Opiniões sobre a Hellotickets

Na Hellotickets, não nos cansamos de enaltecer o nosso trabalho, mas achamos que partilhar consigo as opiniões das pessoas que viajaram connosco tem mais valor. Quando tiver a oportunidade de desfrutar de uma das nossas experiências, gostaríamos de conhecer a sua opinião. Além disso, também exibimos, aqui mesmo no nosso website, opiniões partilhadas em plataformas como a Trustpilot. Tentamos sempre oferecer as melhores experiências possíveis e, para tal, a sua opinião é fundamental. A sua satisfação é o nosso objetivo; não há melhor conquista.

1,336,900+ viajantes

Hellotickets de confiança

Avaliado 4.5 / 5

Taxa de satisfação dos clientes

Com base em 45047+ avaliações



12 fev, 2025



12 fev, 2025

Cracóvia Excursão a Auschwitz-Birkenau desde Cracóvia

“For such a location and the tragedies a thousand fold, Martin organised everything fully on the day; we felt confident in the early pick up time as this meant he got us onto the sites and could then talk us through the museum exhibitions without rushing and being crowded. Martin definitely knew so much about the site history. His knowledge was delivered sensitively as well as clearly. We really respected how he delivered such history realistically and factually.”



08 fev, 2025

Gran Canária Bilhetes para Sioux City em Gran Canaria

“It was straightforward and clear to purchase the tickets and they were cheaper than buying them at the entrance. Excellent website”



08 fev, 2025

Nova Iorque Cruzeiro noturno Circle Line por Manhattan até à Estátua da Liberdade

“Fantastic cruise, lovely sites and brilliant tour guide!”



07 fev, 2025

Cracóvia Excursão a Auschwitz desde Cracóvia

“Amazing day well worth the money”



07 fev, 2025

Córdoba Bilhetes para espetáculo de flamenco em Córdoba

“This was a brilliant show and so easy to book, I would recommend both the show and hellotickets as a stress free journey”



02 fev, 2025

Buenos Aires Visita guiada ao Teatro Colón em Buenos Aires

“A well arranged and informative tour for this iconic opera house. Very worthwhile!”



02 fev, 2025



02 fev, 2025

Sharm El-Sheikh Excursão de barco à Ilha Branca e Parque Nacional Ras Mohamed a partir de Sharm el-Sheikh

“Trip was excellent value for money. Two stops for snorkelling/diving. The coral was amazing and the guys in the water taking you round made it feel so safe and easy. Then lunch very nice and on to White Island where again the guys made sure everyone stayed together and spent a good amount of time there. All crew very friendly, boat spotless clean. Absolutely great day”



01 fev, 2025

Londres Bilhetes de acesso rápido para o London Eye

“Great service, we had a great day. Thank you.”